Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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A Devotional for January

In His Presence
By Joanne E. DeMola, President
Winter Park Aglow Community Lighthouse

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus, by a new, and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His Body, and since we have a Great Priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water” Heb. 10:19-20.

Unrestricted access was made possible to approach the Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father, with thanksgiving and with praise. In Prov. 8:34 we read, “Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.” (Amplified)

You could see inside. Now, with the Holy Spirit's leading, you are ready to walk into the Holy Place, and as you draw near to Him, there, a transaction occurs, a transferring, meeting with your Heavenly Father. This is the time where you are drawn into God's Presence. God the Father draws you past the veil of the flesh, mind, emotion, hindrances, distractions, cares, things, riches, and pleasures of the world. You are coming into more than being in His Presence. You come with the reality that the Mind of your Heavenly Father desires you to be one with Him, existing in Him as One.

The Holy Spirit quickens you to the Heavenly Father's Voice, and into the Holy of Holies. It is in that Place, that you must be still, quiet, listening, waiting to hear Him, being saturated in His Peace, soaking in it, enjoying the “REST”. He will release you when His work is done and, as you allow Him to stretch you, you pray silently through the Mind of Christ. Usually He will respond with “I love you” and, you will then respond with “Yes Lord, I love You”. Don't jump back into the things of this world. Dwell on things that are good and, pure and, from above.

At the moment of Jesus death, the veil in the Temple in Jerusalem was literally ripped apart. That's the moment your destiny was sealed. In the instant that the Lord gave up His Spirit, you were given total unrestricted access to the Holy of Holies. You are His Tabernacle, His Building, being built up in Him, “For we are laborers together with God: you are God's garden; you are God's building.” 1 Cor. 3:9.