Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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Winter Park Aglow Community Lighthouse Meeting Flyer - Click on to enlarge.

A Riddle For You: What cannot be purchased, but is not free?

My answer is Love.

Consider this: a child is born to parents, and how many hours are spent making sure that the child is nurtured? How many hours are spent being concerned when the child is unwell? How many hours are spent after the child reaches the teens or young adulthood waiting up for them when they are out, wanting to hear them come home? How many hours are spent in prayer for our children's health and wellbeing? How many hours are spent praying for our "prodigal children" to come back to the Lord?

In Judges 5:28, Sisera's mother behind the lattice cried out, "Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why is the clatter of his chariots delayed?" NIV. So it was then, and so is now. Our children keep us on our knees, as we are concerned for their safety and for their salvation.

We all know John 3:16: For God so loved the world....Jesus said, " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." KJV.

How the heart of His father grieved, that His one and only, beloved son had to be crucified on a cross in order to reconcile a lost and dying world back into a right relationship with Him. Without the blood, the Bible says there is no remission of sin. It should have been our blood, poured out for our salvation, not the perfect lamb of God's.

The price that Jesus paid is immeasurable and the cost is uncalculable. The only way that we can ever repay Him, is to love Him as much as He loves us, and we do that by losing our life and in following His footsteps.

May God's richest blessings be yours this Resurrection Season, and may your name be written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Shalom, beloved.