Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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Devotional for August


by Mary Meile,
News Media Intercessory Prayer Chair

Psalm 105:4 "Seek the LORD, and his strength; seek his face evermore."

There is truth in this passage of scripture. If you take time to seek the LORD, ask for his strength and presence, you will find him. Notice also that it says to seek his face evermore. This is not just a one time life event. I can tell you from personal experience that God does show up when we cry out with a seeking heart. That is exactly where Jesus met me face to face and transformed my life forever.

I was crying out to be saved from myself! I hated who I had become over the years, and I literally hit an emotional rock bottom and saw no way out. My recent marriage to the man that I had professed to love for over 15 years was falling apart. I was so tired of going around in the same vicious circle of sorrows. When I reflect back now, I remember that I always had a desire in my heart to love others unconditionally. I knew that we were not all perfect and that we should love one another as the LORD loves us. That is much easier said than done, when you are not walking in a relationship with Christ Jesus. Each time that I tried this on my own, I would fail miserably and make a mess of things. I did not know then that I did not possess what was required to be able to love another human being unconditionally. I was not filled with the love of God.

Here I was, recycling the same judgmental attitudes, past offenses, hurts and pains, over and over again. Each time they piled up higher, I could feel the emotional pain within my soul penetrating deeper and deeper. I was so sad and defeated. I did not know how I was going to get free from this horrible bondage. I just knew this had to stop. The hurt and pain were so deep and dark that it looked hopeless. Well, all of us that have cried out to Jesus know this is exactly when he shows up with all the strength and love to carry us through. He is strong when we are weak. He becomes our strength.

If you are going through difficult times or perhaps you feel hopeless, then I want to encourage you to cry out to God with all of your heart, and continue to seek after his presence. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. He is faithful even when we are not. If he does not come immediately, DO NOT give up; continue to seek until he does come. Do not think that you press forward in vain each day..... as there is an internal healing process that begins to take place the moment that you decide in your mind that you want and need Jesus to set you free! I cannot express verbally all of the wonderful things that the LORD has revealed to me, showing me his heart of love and who he is. I can only say that this is a path worth seeking out, a journey that will bring healing, restoration and a new life. God Bless.