Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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Winter Park Aglow Community Lighthouse Meeting

A Word From The Lord - 10/30/02

I came by to see you today, spend some time with you, but you were so busy, I didn't want to disturb you.

Come away for a time of quiet rest. I have so much you need to know.

I have heard your prayers. They will be answered, but in my time. There is a work that I must share with you. There is a preparation that you must endure.

Don't weep as though you have no hope. I'm always here. There are many works going on in the heavenly realm that you know not of.

I will never lose one of my own. Don't think that the enemy can steal your children. They are written on the palms of my hands. They are always before my eyes. I will give you the times of refreshing that I have promised. Your tears will turn to praises of joy, and it is not long in coming. Have faith in me. Trust me, I have only your good in mind. You cannot comprehend it now, but you shall see my glory revealed. The beauty of creation will pale in my presence.

Keep singing my praises. I delight in hearing my children's voices lifted unto me. No symphony written pleases me more than hearing you say you love me. I am and always will be your heavenly father. I won't fail nor neglect you. Never will I promise and not fulfill that promise.

Written by: Pearl Soponyai 8/20/2010