Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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Winter Park Aglow Community Lighthouse Meeting Flyer - Click on to enlarge.

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. (Matt.16:25)
Losing Your Life
People are by nature very selfish, considering their own comfort and convenience, I know that I do. When things get to hectic, I start to complain and look for a way to escape the demands that I don't want to deal with.
Jesus had every right to stay by the Father's throne and enjoy all the majesties that Heaven offered. Yet He did not look at it as being His right, nor look at it as a sacrifice He was unwilling to make. As a result, this broken world has the salvation that we never deserved or earned. He gave to the point of pouring out His life for us.
Maybe God is called us to put aside the comforts of home and family and follow the footsteps of Jesus to go out to a world that is destined for Hell...a world that does not know what Jesus did for them...a world that has never even heard the name of Jesus.
We need to become a part of the heartbeat of the Father as Jesus did and be sent wherever the Lord wishes to send us.
My prayer is that God will give me a new heart, conformed to the image of Jesus, that will be willing to say; in whatever circumstance, Lord, here I am, send me wherever You will. I will forsake all and "take up my cross and follow you".
p.s. I say this with fear and trepidation that He will take me up on it.