Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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Are We Thankful?

When the rug is pulled out from under us, do we still thank God?

When my computer crashed on Halloween morning, I felt sick. Without it, I was unable to do all the things that I need to do as a Public Relations Vice President.

I rushed the tower up to a computer office and told them my sad story.

It seems to me, I was more worried about what I was facing, than I am about all the unsaved people that I come in contact with everyday.

To make a long story short, I now have it back again, and I am still adding printers, etc., and trying to take out the kinks that you have to deal with when you have a new operating system installed. I pray, and everyday God allows me to get the computer back in a working order so I can continue my tasks.

Thanksgiving is the 24th of this month, and Christmas is just around the corner. Day after day, the phone calls and letters requesting donations come flooding in. We cannot possibly give to everyone that asks, but isn't that what the Scripture says? It is my desire to give, but it is all overwhelming to many requests.

All I know is that I want to keep my focus on the Lord and follow the Holy Spirit's leading.

Did you know that you have the greatest gift that there ever was or will be when you have the Holy Spirit residing within you. The Lord gave me a word: "This is not the end. It is only the beginning. My life is hidden in you." His life is within all who have the Holy Spirit residing in them. That is the Good News. As people say, we are a work in progress. Some have progressed farther than others, but God knows what each of us needs, and He will never disappoint or leave us. He is faithful, and we can trust Him.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We of Winter Park Aglow Lighthouse send you our love.