Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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January Winter Park Aglow Flyer

A New Year Before Us

We can wonder what lies before us in the year of 2012. We have had enough cares and worries for 2011, but Jesus said to cast all of those upon Him, because He cares for us.

We will look forward to the new year with faith and hope. Faith in the things we hope for, and the assurance of things not seen. That is the best we can do. Look to the Word for our answers. Keep praying, never ceasing, and believing that God will keep all of His promises. Although, they seem to be delayed; in the fullness of His time, they will come to pass.

The Bible tells us that the world around us will become darker and darker. We are to be the glowing ember that shines out with the love of God for all to see. We are to be children of light...Aglow with the fire of God, burning and making a path through this present darkness, not thinking only of ourselves; but seeing with the eyes of Jesus as He looked at the fields, white for harvest.

Lord, give us your sight and heart for this lost and dying earth population. Amen.