Aglow Internation Mission Statement

· Help restore and mobilize women and men around the world

· Promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed

· Amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective

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November 10, 2012 Meeting (click on the flyer to enlarge)

Our Words

Are the words that we speak edifying to the hearer.  Did you know that there is so much power in the spoken words that they can build up or tear down?

Remember that all creation was created by God's spoken words.  Scriptures say that we can have what we say.  You can say to the mountain of your difficulties, "be thou removed and cast into the sea", and if you believe in your heart, then it will be.  Don't feel that God isn't answering your prayers just because you don't see the evidence yet.  In God's fullness of time, things spoken are brought forth into being.  That is what the substance of faith and trust are. Stand firm in your beliefs.  Read the Word and present your petitions to our Heavenly Father who knows what you are thinking, and what you will say even before it is out of your mouth.

The words of our mouths come from our hearts, and the Bible says that these words can defile us.  Our words show what kind of hearts we have.  We can be critical. We can destroy another person by our unkind words.  The spirit of another can be broken.  Their feeling of self worth can be destroyed by someone's sarcastic remarks.  Our words should be life giving and full of light.  Remember this next time you are tempted to "put someone down."  I am speaking to myself, also.

Remember:  God loves you.  I pray that you will know the depth and fullness of His love. May He wrap you in His arms, and let you know just how much He cares.  May we as His children show each other LOVE!